History of Village of Maple Rapids


In 1826 the first white man created a settlement in what would become Clinton County. Campau’s Trading Post was started by George Campau. Campau purchased 80 acres in November 1832 . Louis his brother purchased the south half of the property in 1835, the village records it’s beginning from this date.

William A Hewitt came with his family in 1852 and purchased 240 acres. Construction of a dam and sawmill started and the village was platted. Hewitt also built a store and hotel. In 1867 the village was resurveyed then replatted and recorded. Maple Rapids was incorporated in 1881. The Village has changed many times over the past 184 years.

Maple Rapids is a great place to live and raise a family. Many organizations and groups are within the Village and continue due to the great community work and volunteerism that exists here.

Lamplighter Festival

The Village held annual Lamplighter Festivals from 2001 to 2010. The Festival was brought back in 2023 and is currently being held each September. The Honorary Lamplighters over those year were:

  • 2001 - Doris Bird

  • 2002 - Harriet Scott

  • 2003 - Maple Hicks

  • 2004 - Beth Dean

  • 2005 - Ken Ryan

  • 2006 - Evelyn Underwood

  • 2007 - Lois Lowe

  • 2008 - Joe Gavenda

  • 2009 - George Abbott

  • 2010 - Horace (Sonny) Howell Jr

  • 2023 - Gordon Warren

  • 2024 - Marylin Stephens

The Festivals were a lot of fun for everyone attending. Events were always changing but over the years included: Opening Ceremonies, Potluck Dinners, Fireman’s Light Parade, Chain Saw Sculptures, Parade, Tractor Pulls, Inflatables, Entertainment in the Park (with many different attractions, Pie Contest, Keystone Cops, Dunk Tank, Historical Display, Craft Show, Pie & Chain Saw Auction, Hospitality Tent, Teen Dance, Helicopter Rides, Pony Rides, Car Show, Church Services, Kids Parade, Food Vendors, Lawn Mower Races, Carnival rides, Quilt Show, Mobile Laser Kombat, Garden Tractor Pulls and Fireman’s Water Ball Competitions including Kid’s Water Ball Competition.

Since the festival has been brought back please - Visit the Maple Rapids Lamplighter page to see the current event information!